Where will your imagination take you?
Find out by discovering the works of Kristyn Crow.
Award-winning author, screenwriter, mentor, teacher, and presenter.
Writer's Place
Are you interested in getting published?
My mentor, Rick Walton (may he rest in peace) used to say you should not be a writer unless you’re crazy and can’t stop yourself. And if you’re that obsessed, you’ll find a way.
My greatest piece of advice is to attend writing conferences and workshops. These are gatherings for writers and professionals in the industry, where you’ll make valuable connections, learn techniques and get critical feedback on your work. SCBWI (The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) offers many writing conferences nationwide. In Utah, I recommend Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers (WIFYR), which is the conference that gave me my start.
Visit my writer's place for more tips I've learned along the way.